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Practical resources to help connect Certified Industrial-Organizational professionals with employers looking to improve performance.
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EMPLOYER ACCOUNT – Someone looking to connect and possibly hire professional business consultants.
An EMPLOYER membership is designed for small business owners, employers, human resource professionals, business managers, recruiters, and executives looking to solve complex people-related work issues.
Your FREE account will allow you to advertise your company, post jobs, take courses, download relevant content, and communicate with professionals with the experience to handle your most complicated frustrations.
If an EMPLOYER account is right for you, click the box below.
PROVIDER ACCOUNT – A professional consultant looking to be hired.
If you are an I-O Professional (business consultant, certified business coach, HR Specialist, or researcher) looking for work and to network with other professionals in the field of Industrial-Organizational Psychology, complete the registration process below.
If you are an Employer or Business Owner looking to connect with I-O practitioners, please select EMPLOYER Registration.
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**Coming Soon**
Vendors: Ivy Consulting Group is an inclusive community that brings professionals in the I-O field together for support, professional collaboration, networking and job-seeking, research and development in the I-O field, certification and post-graduate education, and a deep sense of camaraderie. We invite you to inquire about an account here if you think our community would benefit from your product or service. We are protective of our member’s time and will only endorse businesses with the highest commitments to promoting the I-O professional space.
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