Write a book. Advertise Your Expertise. Get Noticed.

Ivy Consulting Group is looking for aspiring authors who specialize in Industrial-Organizational Psychology to participate in a professional collaboration of research, education, and practice. Our authors will focus on solving a variety of problems and complex issues surrounding the workplace.

The benefits of collaboration are many, and include:

  • promote your expertise in the field of IO Psychology and workplace performance
  • an opportunity to learn and go beyond traditional ways of thinking 1
  • access to a worldwide network of readers and industry groups
  • potential to develop lifelong relationships and bonds that may be beneficial in the future 2
  • gain from the wisdom of others 3
  • access to new resources and the potential to develop new skills
  • increased productivity through doing more work in less time
  • sharing recognition and accolades
  • association with others who are successful
  • the “pooling knowledge for tackling large and complex problems” 4
  • create a great way to build an existing or promote a new career in IO consulting

Contest Details

At least 10 authors work will be selected and used to publish a book outlining the 10 Dynamics of workplace performance. The book will be submitted for publication to major publishing houses including Penguin/Random House, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, and Harvard Business Publishing. Two of the groups mentioned above have already shown an interest; however, if not selected, Ivy Publishing will pay for publication and promote your work.

Step 1: Complete the Intent to Submit Form on this page. Once submitted, a member of the Ivy Consulting Group (ICG) will reach out to schedule a discussion and answer any questions you may have.

Step 2: Write a 1,000 – 5,000 word article or chapter on a topic related to the study of Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Your article should demonstrate your expertise by identifying a significant problem facing the workplace and research supporting your solution to the problem. To be selected, we encourage you to request the support of peers to help you deliver a clear message which will inspire and motivate change.

Step 3: Submit your work on or before the May 1, 2023 deadline.  An ICG committee will complete blind reviews of participants work to determine which will be selected for publication.

Winning authors will receive:

  • a free ICG membership for 1-year,
  • promotion of your work to readers and potential customers for your consulting services, and
  • if the groups work is published by Ivy Publishing, authors will have the opportunity to purchase unlimited copies at cost +10%.


Submission Deadline: May 1, 2023
Committee Vote: May 29, 2023
Award Notification: June 2, 2023
Submit to Publisher: July 2023


  1. Vangen S, Huxham C. Nurturing collaborative relations: building trust in interorganizational collaboration. J Appl Behav Sci. 2003;39:5–31. []
  2. Hansen MT. Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press; 2009. xi, 231. []
  3. Powell WW, Koput KW, Smith-Doerr L. Interorganizational collaboration and the locus of innovation: networks of learning in biotechnology. Adm Sci Q. 1996;41(1):116–145. []
  4. vanRijnsoever FJ, Hessels LK. Factors associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration. Res Policy. 2011;40(3):463–472. []