Our Founders


We are happy you found us!

While we may not be ready to fully launch our site, we are excited to whisper to a few close friends and business acquaintances about what we are working on. Because you found us, we will assume you’ve come to us for more information about the dynamic and growing field known as Industrial-Organizational Psychology.

As you probably know, I-O Psych addresses workplace issues at the individual and organizational levels. Our group of I-O psychologists will conduct and apply research that improves the well-being and performance of people and the organizations that employ them. This involves everything from strategic planning, and executive development, to employee selection, and workplace assessments to improve employee engagement and workplace performance. All of our programs will focus on improving diversity and inclusion, while at the same time, facilitating positive organizational change.

Ivy Consulting group is committed to becoming a premier professional association for the science and practice of I-O psychology. However, unlike other groups and associations who cater to the I-O community, our focus will be more on the business aspects of running a successful consulting practice.

Our expected launch date is September 15, 2022. However, we would love to hear from you to better understand how we can help you succeed.

Again, thank you for inquiring about our association and we look forward to meeting with you soon!

10 Dynamics
Jeff Hastings

Redefining Leadership in Hybrid Teams: A Research-Driven Solution from Ivy Consulting Group

The rise of hybrid work has redefined leadership, presenting unique challenges for team performance, engagement, and trust. At Ivy Consulting Group, our latest research focuses on empowering leaders to succeed in this evolving landscape. From addressing communication barriers to fostering psychological safety and equity, we’re developing actionable, evidence-based strategies to help organizations thrive. Learn how our tailored leadership solutions can transform your hybrid teams and drive measurable results.

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Staci Emerson, Ph.D.

Staci Emerson, Ph.D.


Jeff Hastings, ALM

Jeff Hastings, ALM

I-O Psychologist